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On August 12, local time, a family in Uttar Pradesh, India, was awakened by a strange noise in the early morning. When they opened their eyes, they found a 2.4-meter-long crocodile lying under the bed. Fortunately, the family of three was not injured because it was discovered in time, and the crocodile was released. Back to its natural habitat.

Indian woman discovers a crocodile under her bed

It was about four o’clock in the morning when the hostess Shakuntala Devi heard some strange noises. When she woke up to check the source of the sound, she was shocked by what she saw! An 8ft (2.4m) alligator was found near her crib. Shakuntala screamed and woke up her husband and children and ran out of the house to seek help from neighbors.

Shakuntala said: “When I woke up at about four o’clock in the morning, there were some strange noises in the room that I had never heard before, which made me very curious. When I turned on the light, I was surprised to find a huge crocodile. Lie under my bed.”

Shakuntala said: “I don’t know how long it has been here. When I think of it sleeping peacefully under our bed, I am shocked! We are still alive.” The frightened family woke up other Villagers, they sought help from the forest department and a rescue team arrived two hours later with ropes.

Forest officer Adarsh Kumar said: “Crocodiles often crawl out of their habitats during the monsoon when water levels rise. This crocodile, which weighs 286 pounds, probably wanted to enter the house to keep warm. The crocodile was initially very calm and did not attack anyone. , however, when the rescue team tried to tie it up, it became very violent and attacked the rescue team members.” Fortunately, the crocodile was eventually released into its natural habitat, and no one was injured during the entire rescue process.


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