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It is said that “women’s hearts are the most difficult to understand” and no one can figure out what they are thinking or doing. Today I would like to introduce to you the 10 strangest women. Don’t be too surprised when you see them!

1. The woman with the smallest waist

The woman with the smallest waist

This is really weird, Kathy Jung has the smallest waist in the world. She is truly a world champion and has earned the title of Corset Queen with her astonishing 38.1cm waist. To make her waist slimmer, she wore a corset 24 hours a day for more than 20 years.

2. The woman with the longest hair

The woman with the longest hair

Ms. Xie Qiuping from China has the longest hair in the world, 5.5 meters long. She has never had her hair cut since she was 13 years old.

3. The woman with the most tattoos

The woman with the most tattoos

Julianus was born with a strange skin disease that caused her skin to burn and scab when exposed to the sun, so she started getting tattoos to make it look less ugly.

4. The tallest woman

The tallest woman

A woman named Yao Defen who was born in China is the tallest woman in the world, with a height of 2.352m and a weight of 440 pounds. You have to think carefully before cheating on her, she can hang you up high and then leave you there and ignore you.

5. The shortest woman

The shortest woman

A Chinese woman named Zhu Haizhen is only 79cm tall. This is a supernatural event. But even so, she did not lose hope and still looked forward to marrying a short man.

6.The softest woman

The softest woman

Norkulunga Buthelezi is a woman known as the Snake Lady because of her lithe body, but that’s not all, she is the only person in the world who can do the move pictured above.

7. The woman with the most piercings

The woman with the most piercings

This is crazier than having a full body of tattoos. Elaine Davidson has a total of 720 piercings on her body, 200 of which are on her face.

8. The woman with the longest tongue

The woman with the longest tongue

Annika Imele is a beautiful German girl. The most attractive thing is her tongue. The tongue exposed outside the mouth is 7cm. Is it unbelievable?

9. The woman with the longest nails

The woman with the longest nails

The woman with the longest nails in the world is named Lee Redmond. She has not cut her nails since 1979 and takes great care of them to keep them in good condition. All her nails are 8.65 meters long in total, but what’s even more strange is that she actually works as a hairdresser in a beauty salon. How does she do it?

10. The fastest talking woman

The fastest talking woman

The fastest talking woman in the world is Fran Capo. According to Guinness World Records, her best result is to read 603.32 words in just 53.2 seconds. This woman speaks 10 times faster than normal people.

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