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The hardest university in the world to get into – New York University Abu Dhabi. This school was established by the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates. It is a branch of New York University established in Abu Dhabi in 2007. It is also the first overseas branch of New York University.

The hardest university in the world to get into

Statistically, it is one of the most difficult universities in the world to get into. The average student SAT math + reading score announced by the school is 1470 points (total score 1600 points), ranking among the top six Ivy League schools in the United States. In 2009, the school enrolled its first batch of students and received 9,048 applications from students around the world. However, the actual number of students admitted was 189, and the admission rate was only 2.1%. This ratio was maintained for the next two years. By 2012, the number of applicants to the school reached 15,489, but it still only admitted 150 people, and the application success rate was only 0.9%. In comparison, Harvard University’s acceptance rate is 7% and Columbia University’s acceptance rate is about 9%.

The university lasts for 4 years and consists of 8 semesters, 2 of which can be studied at NYU campuses in other countries. These cities include: New York, Washington, D.C., London, UK, Paris, France, Berlin, Germany, Florence, Italy, Madrid, Spain, Prague, Czech Republic, Accra, Ghana, Tel Aviv, Israel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sydney, Australia, and Shanghai, China .

Every semester, students here also have a regional academic journey, that is, they go to other countries with teachers and classmates to study on the spot and study the culture and history of the world. Destinations on regional journeys include: United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Zambia.

There are 200 faculty and staff in the school, with a teacher-student ratio of only 1:3. All teachers have doctorates, 1/3 of which are from New York University’s high-quality faculty team, 1/3 are from independent recruitment, and 1/3 are visiting professors from world-famous universities. , and these teachers must go to New York University for “training” for one year before taking up their posts.

All of the school’s fees come from the country of Abu Dhabi, the largest emirate in the United Arab Emirates and richer than Dubai. In 2009, Abu Dhabi invested US$10 billion to help Dubai escape from the financial crisis. Strong financial resources can ensure that every admitted student will not drop out due to cost issues.

The school’s scholarship covers every student; it includes all tuition fees, meals, accommodation fees, extracurricular activities, medical insurance, pocket money for four years, and two round-trip air tickets to Abu Dhabi and hometown every year. That is to say, during the 4 years, the student does not have to pay 1 penny for his studies at the school.

Hao School will also invite all applicants who pass the preliminary selection to attend a four-day event in the United Arab Emirates free of charge. During the activities, students will visit the campus, listen to sample courses, communicate with teachers, participate in interviews, complete writing tasks, visit local attractions, and participate in activities such as “dining under the stars” in the desert, allowing students and the school to have a more complete two-way relationship. comminicate. The school will be responsible for students’ round-trip air tickets, visas, food and accommodation, and activity expenses. Each student will also receive an allowance of US$200. In other words, even if you are not admitted to the school in the end, you can travel to the UAE for free!

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