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Using your phone or computer late at night might seem harmless, but it could be affecting more than just your sleep. For those conscious of their body shape and seeking to cultivate healthy beauty habits, the impact of Blue Light from Screens on sleep might come as a surprise.

Research from the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer University of Technology in New York suggests that exposure to LCD screens with backlight before bedtime can significantly reduce the secretion of melatonin, a hormone crucial for regulating sleep and the body’s internal clock.

Blue Light from Screens on Sleep and Health

Furthermore, prolonged exposure to screens before bed, whether it’s browsing the internet or playing games, can suppress melatonin secretion equivalent to hours of sunlight exposure. The blue light emitted by computer screens, mobile phones, and LED lighting has been linked to eye health and overall well-being.

During the day, exposure to blue light signals wakefulness and activity, while darkness signals sleepiness. However, using screens at night can confuse the brain, disrupting the natural rhythm and leading to decreased melatonin secretion and sleep disturbances.

Blue Light from Screens on Sleep and Health

The consequences of a disrupted biological clock extend beyond sleep issues. Studies conducted at Ohio State University revealed that mice exposed to bright light at night experienced significant weight gain compared to those in a normal day-night environment. Additionally, exposure to bright light at night has been associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and cancer.

Shift workers, such as flight attendants and nurses, who are exposed to bright light at night, are more susceptible to obesity, cancer, heart attacks, depression, and other health issues.

To mitigate the negative effects of screen time on sleep and health, it’s advisable to limit screen use before bedtime. Instead, opt for activities like reading or relaxation to wind down. Creating a calming environment free from blue light exposure can promote better sleep and overall well-being.

In conclusion, reducing exposure to blue light from screens at night can help maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle, prevent weight gain, and reduce the risk of associated health problems. Prioritizing sleep hygiene and minimizing screen time before bed can contribute to a healthier lifestyle overall.

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