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There are various animals distributed in the world, and animal migration is an eternal instinctive reaction in nature. Every year we see many birds flying across the sky, but do you know what rare animals are migrating? Now shareknowledge will introduce you to the top 10 wonders of animal migration. Friends who are interested can learn about it together!

10 wonders of animal migration

1. Wildebeest

Through the continuous efforts of documentary makers and videographers, it has been confirmed that more than 1 million wildebeest and zebras carry out their annual migration every year, during which they receive very little food and water. It also has to pass through the Mara River, which has fast currents and a large number of crocodiles. About 250,000 wildebeest died.

2. Monarch Butterfly

The monarch butterfly is the only butterfly on the earth that needs to migrate. Although the life span of the monarch butterfly is less than two months, it cannot complete the migration journey in one generation. It often takes many generations to complete, and during the migration process, the monarch butterfly The flight distance and duration are longer among insects.

3. Arctic seagull

Arctic gulls currently hold the world record for the longest migration distance of any animal known to exist. Not only do humans get to see summer twice a year, but Arctic seagulls also enjoy the treat. These long-distance champions have traveled more than 2.4 million kilometers in their lifetimes, and by comparison can travel to and from the moon 5-6 times.

4. Crab

On an isolated Christmas Island in Australia, there are 120 million Christmas crabs. Every year, tens of millions of crabs crawl to the seaside to lay eggs. When the little crabs grow up, they migrate from the seaside to the central part of the country.

5. Emperor Penguin

Because of the broadcast of “Diary of an Emperor Penguin”, emperor penguins have become the most famous of Antarctic migratory animals. There are currently about 30 emperor penguin colonies. Their migration journey is full of difficulties and obstacles, and as the sea ice edge changes, their numbers also fluctuate greatly.

6. Reindeer

The earliest animals known to migrate on a large scale were the northern caribou. Reindeer do not migrate along the same road every year, but depend on local weather conditions and the abundance of food.

7. Gray whale

Gray whales are one of California’s most attractive tourist attractions, but few people know about their long-distance migrations. These docile gray whales migrate between 10,000 and 18,000 kilometers every year. This distance is also the longest migration distance among marine or land mammals known to humans.

8. Swallow

The annual return of swallows to the Capistrano Monastery in the United States is both romantic and sentimental. They fly thousands of kilometers every year to their winter habitat in Goya, Argentina, and then fly back from there after experiencing hardships and dangers.

9. Passenger pigeon

Passenger pigeons are one of the greatest migratory species in history. They are now extinct, and loss of habitat is the main reason for their disappearance from the earth.

10. Lemmings

Lemmings are rodents that live on tundra. Every year, lemmings migrate in groups to find new feeding grounds. There is also a theory about the migration of lemmings. In order to preserve the group when food is scarce, some lemmings will suddenly rush into the Arctic region and embark on a suicidal “death journey.”

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